Friday, July 27, 2012

On Becoming an 8th Grader - Sheryl Apunte, 8th Grader

Dear Family,

              The hardest thing I've done in camp is proably relizing that im an 8th grader. I believe it was one of the hardest things I've done in my years at Saint Ignatius. When I got to camp I still felt like a 7th grader. I didn't feel a rush of exicement or a sudden empathy about growping up. It happened in the second week of camp.

              My cabin and I took some blankets out onto the felid and just looked up at the stars. The 8th graders had gotten to talk and we just let out all the the feelings we had keep in for the past 2 years. I felt some how clamer and relaxed. I saw this one star is bright beautiful. I looked at it for a while and relized that i had been having the best time at SIS. I started to laugh uncontrollably. I didn't cry or get all emotional. I didn't need to. Yeah, of course there were sad memories but O was I happy. I accomplished 2 years of school. I was 13. I was an 8th grader. So I went to bed with a smile on my face and just dreamed about graduation.

                                                                                                 Sheryl Apunte

What nickname would you like? - Magda Leonardo, 7th Grader

Well one day when we were meeting each other we had to make a nickname up for your name. It had to match with the first letter of your name. I said,
''Um Monster Magda, no ohh um Magical Magda, noo ohhh i know Monkey Magda.''
Everybody loved my name and it even matched with our cabin name it was "The Queens of the Jungle." So I was the Queen of the Monkeys. When we were going to our first camp fire we had to share our cabin cheer and dance and also the type of animal we were. So I started saying ,
"Ohh Ohh Ahh Ahh," just like a monkey.
Then Paola and Kiana started to rap. We all had fun and shared a great time together.

Owl's Head Hike - Chabely Leonardo, 8th Grader

Hi eveyone ! I am having so much fun at camp.I have been hiking and stream walking. When I went hiking to Owls Head,my legs got very tired.When we reached the top of the mountain the view was beautiful! We could see the road we drove on to get to Owls Head. On the way back down I slipped a few times because it was very rocky.When we got to the bottem of the mountain I picked up a rock to remind me of the fun day I had at Owls Head Mountain with Cabin 2 - Chabely L.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cabin 1 Stream Walk

Stream Walk path

Swimming in Lake Placid - hi Catherine and Katie!

Vanessa taking a swim break

Lake Placid Dam

                                        Melanie soaking up the sun and the mountain views

Cabin 1 group swim

Miss LaClair conducting an air orchestra - beautiful air violins, girls!

Hey Angie!

Beautiful mountain view from the Lake Placid dam

6th Grade Concert and Night Out on the Town

Relaxing after the concert

Stephanie, Catherine and Melanie enjoying Mirror Lake at night

Sugar stick party!

Nice dance moves, Abby and Catherine!

Blue Grass dance party with Katie and Leomis

More dancing with Nayeli and Leomis

Enjoying the concert

Leomis and Stephanie enjoying their ice cream

Blue Grass Concert on Mirror Lake

Hanging out before the concert

Watching the show

Campfire Fun

Brockzilla plays Boom Chicka Boom surrounded by Cabin 2 Girls

Campers Keyla, Glenis, Brianna, Nayeli, Gianna, Adriana and Counselors Jill, Nicole, Adrienne, Meg, Laura and Katherine having a blast at campfire!

Abby and Nancy performing

Campers and counselors singing fireside

Roasting marshmallows is so much fun!

Getting ready to roast those mallows!

Chapel by campfire